عرب وعالم

هجوم مسلح على كنيسة في روسيا ومقتل 3 أشخاص

Construction workers who were on the 30th floor of a building in Mexico City wait on the streets are evacuating following a seismic alarm on May 16, 2018.
The 5,2 magnitud quake, which was recorded at a depth of 54 km in the state of Guerrero, activated the seismic alarm in the capital of the country, where numerous buildings and houses were evacuated. / AFP PHOTO / Yuri CORTEZ

كتب//مهاب محمد

أفادت فضائية “إكسترا نيوز” فى خبر عاجل منذ قليل، عن مقتل 3 أشخاص فى هجوم مسلح على كنيسة بمدينة جروزنى الروسية.

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